Physics in Web AR

Roles / Deliverables:  
AR Engineer, Programmer, 3D modeling, UI Design, Conceptual Artist
Project Timeline:  
Two Weeks
This project was created to show how to implement physics and colliders in a WebAR experience. A-Frame Physics currently defaults to CANNON.js but this may be deprecated in the future. This example project uses Ammo.js which A-Frame Physics supports when using the driver: ammo parameter. 

Try it out here:
Team Size:  
Just Me :)
Tap To Punch!
In this physics simulator the user taps a boxing glove to set in motion a soccer ball which collides with bowling pins. Can you knock them all down!?
Debug Mode
In this short video you can see the physics colliders of the objects shown in green lines. Green represents physics objects that have no forces acting on them currently. This changes to a grey color once objects collide. 
Test it out anywhere and anytime
Here is a simple physics interaction completed at a train station. 
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